Thursday, April 24, 2008

Blog 1: Philosophy

Welcome to the new aircrew fitness blog site! This is Captain Max and I am currently blogging while laying over in ORD at the O'hare Airport DoubleTree hotel, which has 2 treadmills, 2 elipticals, 2 stationary bikes, and a FEW dumbells and small bench. Not much but ENOUGH to get it done!

According to my heart rate monitor I just burned 700 calories in 40 minutes...that is 4 beers worth of calorie-deficit my fellow happy-hour friends!

And that is the point of my first blog. There are 2 philosophies or mottos you have to have if you want to stay fit in this airline/aircrew career, (I don't think I was first to coin these):

1. You should be able to work out any time, any where, with any thing...including only your own body.

2. Be disciplined enough to always make the BEST choice of the options availble to you, no matter how nutrient-lacking they may be - there will ALWAYS be a better choice, (This mostly applies to food options.)

Both these philosophies will save your health and your physique and honestly it really comes down to your self-discipline. Most of us already know which choice is healthiest out of any group of food items present.

Most of us know that even if the hotel gym stinks, or there isn't one at all, we can still go for a jog outside, run the fire-exit stairs, stretch and do crunches in our room, etc.

Well that is it for now. It is never too late to start, and, no matter how bad you binged and imbibed on last night's layover, you didn't do as much damage as you think, so get right back on the training plan.

Captain Max
Max Wettstein
Airbus 320 Captain
JetBlue Airways
858-472-1884 Cell
760-944-1884 Fax

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