Monday, January 11, 2010

Your Body in Motion is a more healthy...

We’re airline pilots & road-warriors. We hope our work-day is unremarkable. We hope it’s uneventful.  We hope it is non-stressful.  And when it is, next thing you know we’re just sitting, relatively ‘motionless’ all day long as we paradoxically zoom across the sky at mach .78.


And when we sit for so long in our high-altitude office, blood pools & thickens in our legs; our lower-back hangs on our ligaments when we slouch putting pressure on our discs; lymphatic-fluid & trapped toxins stagnate; dry cabin air dehydrates us and dries our sinuses; abuse of caffeine to stay alert further dehydrates; our metabolism slows down; constipation can set in; and fascia begins to shrink & tighten.


That’s why it’s imperative when we land and head to the layover hotel we EXERCISE, either before the happy-hour, or the next morning before we head back to the airport.  Exercise, even 20 minutes of moderate-intensity, immediately oxygenates your brain; moves lymphatic fluid/waste; circulates blood; sends your metabolism into over-drive; lengthens fascia; triggers endorphins, dopamine, adrenalin (in a natural way); helps vent mental stress; balances blood-sugar & improves insulin-efficiency; stimulates your G.I. tract; improves sleep-quality; and of course helps you burn some fat!...among a myriad of other benefits!


There’s always a means to exercise during any layover, at any hotel!  Even if no equipment you can walk/run the stairs, run outside, pack a jump-rope, pack a resistance-band, yoga, push-ups, ab-work, isometric flexing – there are no excuses!  That being said, adequate sleep certainly TRUMPS squeezing in a workout if forced to choose!


Max Wettstein

Fitness Professional  Abs-Expert

Mobile (858) 472-1884

Fax (760) 944-1884

"Optimum health is a method of life. Focus on fitness and your ideal physique will follow." - Max

Destination Health Plus LLC is a grassroots holistic and health-first fitness and health team. 


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